
Showing posts from September, 2019

Social Action and Community Media - Street Food

Street Food - S1Ep1: Bangkok, Thailand Street Food, a Netflix original series made by the creators of Chef's Table, is a culinary documentary aiming to educate and inform those with an interest in food and travel. The pilot episode follows the story of a seventy three year old woman in Thailand on her journey to becoming a successful chef. Growing up in a slum, Jay Fai watched her mother sell food at the market near her home. The family wasn't making enough money, and her drug-addicted father often ran away, so Fai became a seamstress in order to provide support and help to put a meal on the table. However, her career was cut short whilst Fai was in her twenties when she lost all of her possessions in a fire. She was working at the time of a stairwell collapse, which triggered fire in which all of her equipment and possessions were destroyed. She then decided to teach herself to cook in order to help her mother's business, and soon began to put her own twist on recipes.

Social Action and Community Media - One Strange Rock

One Strange Rock - S1Ep1: Gasp Created by National Geographic and presented by Will Smith, One Strange Rock looks at how planet Earth may be the strangest lace in the universe. The pilot episode features astronaut Chris Hadfield - who spent one hundred and sixty six days in space - discussing oxygen. He shares the story of experiencing a sudden pain in his eye whilst in space, causing it to tear up. Due to the lack of gravity the tear grew and leaked into both eyes, causing momentary blindness. Her was told that there may be contamination inside his suit and so had to flush it out by releasing his oxygen supply. Following this hooking story, the programme then cuts to an astrobiologist in Dallol, Ethiopia, named Felipe Gómez Gómez. His favourite location, Dallol, has toxic air, no fresh water and no forms of life that require oxygen. He has, however, found bacteria living in an acidic lake. He says that without oxygen, life can't grow any bigger than the size of a "pinhead&

Social Action and Community Media - Stacey Meets the IS Brides

Stac ey Meet s the IS Bride s     In Stac ey Doo ley's BBC docu mentary Stacey Meets the IS Brides , available on BBC iPlayer , the journalist visit s Syrian Camps , where radicalized brides of IS fighters are currently residing , in order to gain an understanding of wha t lif e for these women was like und er the reign of the extremist group . Th e documentary gives a raw insight into the experiences of these women as well as th e dangers of th e camp , with Dooley mentioning that she need ed t o hav e ar med guards with her a t all times following the fatal stabbing of one of the camp's female guards shortly before her arrival. The programme aims to educate the British public on how these women came to be IS brides, their experiences and how they live in the c amps following the defea t of the group . This is delivered through interviews with residents as well as clips from propaganda videos and footage from around the camp. While many women are unwillin