
Showing posts from September, 2018

Film Magazine Questionnaire - Task 9

Abigail Cooper-Beirne Film Magazine Questionnaire Name: Gender: - Male - Female - Other Do you buy film magazines?: - Yes - No Which name is the most ideal for a film magazine?: - Limelight - Spotlight - Clapperboard Highlights What genre of film would you be most interested in seeing in a film magazine?: - Action - Rom-Com - Science Fiction - Indie - Horror - Drama - Documentaries What content would you prefer to see?: - Interviews - Posters - Reviews - Competitions How old are you?: - 10-15 - 16-19 - 20-30 - 31+ Would price affect the likelihood that you'd purchase a film magazine?: - Yes - No How much would you be willing to pay for a film magazine?: - £1.50 - £2.50 - £3.50 - £4.99

The Appeal of Film Magazine Covers

The cover of film magazines tend to be a little busier than those of magazines from any other genre. Perhaps this is because they aim to highlight the explosive nature of hit new action films or due to the excitement of a cinematic masterpiece. They usually feature a leading character from the newest releases in front of an interesting background - often some sort of explosion. By featuring a celebrity in character on the cover page, fans are more likely to purchase the product, thus making it more successful. The name of magazines usually falls behind the head of whoever is on the cover as it is often the celebrity, not the actual magazine itself, that sells the product. Text on the cover must stand out so as to allow readers to know what content can be found inside, but shouldn't take away from the cover image. Colour schemes play a key part in this as they ensure that the magazine has a polished and professional finish. Cover pages also tend to use lots of positive adjectives an

All About Me

All About Me                                                                                                                                 12/9/18 My name is Abigail Jane Cooper-Beirne, and I was born on the 14th of November in the year 2001. I would say that I'm a rather creative person above all else; I enjoy music and writing, as well as the occasional poorly-drawn sketch here and there. I have attempted to write several novels, though I have never managed to make it to the end of them as I tend to find myself either losing confidence in the plot or becoming distracted by other projects. I do, however, write poetry and self-publish them of the story-sharing platform Wattpad. A few years ago I entered a local competition through my school which resulted in one of my short stories being published in an anthology, which to this day I consider to be one of my proudest achievements. Technically speaking, I can call myself an author. I have also taught myself how to play the u