
Showing posts from June, 2019

Music Video - Final Evaluation

For this assignment, my group - consisting of Devon, Akash, Jonathan, Kaenat, Ramalex and myself - created a music video for a mashup of the songs "Fall Apart" by Post Malone and "Changes" by xxxtentacion, chosen by Kaenat.  This mashup follows the story of a youth with a broken heart, who’s struggling to come to terms with their failed relationship. Colloquialisms such as “you was my shawty I thought” emphasises not only the age of character that the vocalist portrays, but the target demographic for this song. First used in North America, “shawty” is a slang word derived from the noun “shorty”, and is typically used as a nickname by teenage males for their partners, or to refer to an attractive woman. The phonetic spelling of the term also reflects upon the standard American accent, linking to the nationality of the two singers in this mashup. This song also touches on the superficiality of the relationship. The line “all this damn jewelry I bought” suggests that t

Film Production - The Evaluation

Audience Expectation:  From my poster alone, my audience will be able to clearly tell that my film is of the romantic dance genre. This is made apparent by the use of pink hues - commonly associated with love - and the fact that the silhouettes portray the male and female protagonists together with little more going on in the image. The fact that it's just the two of them on the poster suggests that they have a close relationship in the film. Similarly, the film's title highlights the genre. While the adjective "dirty" has sexual connotations, "dancing" directly links to the overruling theme of the storyline. Based on the actors used, the audience should expect to see some quality dancing in the film. I have deliberately chosen stars from the popular American reality show Dancing With The Stars to portray the characters of Baby, Johnny and Penny because these are the characters with the important dancing scenes. Because of this casting choice, not only will

Film Production - The Proposal

Poster:  The inspiration for my poster came from original artwork by "Chungkong Art", an artist from the Netherlands. Inspired by his work, I chose to recolour his original art in varying hues of pink to really tie into the female target audience. Traditionally, pink is a colour associated with both femininity and love, and so by doing this I have also emphasised the film's genre. I like this particular art as it's minimalistic. This style is not only modern - thus becoming eye-catching to an audience of young adults - but it is concise. I have named my two leading actors just below the title of my film so that a bigger audience will be drawn in. Fans of Ballas and Irwin will be more inclined to see the film so as to watch them acting. I have chosen these actors as they have both been a part of the popular American dancing programme called Dancing With The Stars. Ballas is one of the show's professional dancers, and is also an actor. Irwin is best known because of

Film Production - Inspiration Board

Costumes: Costumes will mainly consist of modern, casual attire - namely jeans, t-shirts and hoodies for the younger characters and resort guests. Typical modern workout gear will be featured during training scenes, and clothes appropriate to the summer wearer will also feature throughout. The staff will wear t-shirts with "Kellerman's" printed on the front. However, for the dancing scenes the costumes will replicate those used in the original film. Bindi Irwin reenacting the climatic lift Camera Angles: Lots of long shots will be used in order to achieve full-length visuals on the dancing that goes on throughout the film. Close ups will be used occasionally to highlight emotion and create a sense of tension when necessary. Medium close-ups can be used to show intimacy between dancers particularly when Baby discovers the secret dirty dancing parties.  Posters: Fonts:

Film Production - The Plan

Title: Dirty Dancing Tagline: "Have the time of your life..." Plot: In this modern retelling of the much-loved 1987 classic, entitled teenager Frances "Baby" Houseman is begrudgingly introduced to the formal world of ballroom dance - seen as being uncool - whilst on holiday with her upper-class family at Kellerman's - a resort in the Catskills. When she accidentally stumbles on a secret staff dirty dancing party, the sheltered protagonist is left shocked yet intrigued, so when her father pays for her to receive dancing lessons she vows to uncover as much as she can about this secret world. Baby is introduced to Johnny, one of the resort's dance instructors, and learns that his dance partner, Penny, is addicted to contaminated drugs supplied to her by manipulative Robbie - a waiter, player and  corrupt dealer who attends Yale medical school. After falling dangerously ill, Baby borrows money from her father for an "emergency" and gives it to P

Film Production - Poster

Attached is my poster for my modern retelling of the classic romantic dance film Dirty Dancing. The inspiration for this poster came from original artwork by "Chungkong Art", an artist from the Netherlands. Inspired by his work, I chose to recolour his original art in varying hues of pink to really tie into the female target audience. Traditionally, pink is a colour associated with both femininity and love, and so by doing this I have also emphasised the film's genre. I like this particular art as it's minimalistic. This style is not only modern - thus becoming eye-catching to an audience of young adults - but it is concise. I have named my two leading actors just below the title of my film so that a bigger audience will be drawn in. Fans of Ballas and Irwin will be more inclined to see the film so as to watch them acting. I have chosen these actors as they have both been a part of the popular American dancing programme called Dancing With The Stars. Ballas is one of